Eskilstuna, Sweden
Eskilstuna has a strategy for waste minimisation, which includes initiatives to increase circularity. An important step was the opening of ReTuna, a recycling mall, where citizens can leave used goods. The goods are upcycled and sold in the different shops in the mall. The municipal company Eskilstuna Energy and Environment is responsible for ReTuna. The municipality has introduced a system for reuse and upcycling of leftover furniture from the organisation.
Reusing materials
Materials brought into ReTuna are discarded into containers and then, dropped of in the depot. The staff then decides what is usable, after which the items are distributed to the recycling shops in the mall. There, a second culling follows in order to choose which materials have to be repaired, fixed, converted, refined and sold. In this way, materials are given new life.

Public procurement
Furthermore, Eskilstuna has taken measures to increase and simplify circularity in some areas of public procurement. Finally, the municipality has also started innovative projects together with local business for recycling of plastics.