Loures, Portugal
Loures works a lot on environmental awareness as a tool to promote the circular economy, with a great focus on the youth community. This awareness-raising work is also based on the Sustainable Development Goals. In the last 3 years, 30.484 students were involved in this actions. From October to March 2020, 6.967 young people were involved in activities, unfortunately interrupted due to Covid-19. A highlight is the LRS360º Project, whose name is intended to allude to the circular economy concept. This project explains to the students the life cycle of a package, using augmented reality.
Urban composting
When talking about waste, Loures endowed the territory with an intelligent network of used cooking oil collection, which is later used for biodiesel production. Noteworthy is also the urban composting project that is being developed at the moment, in which 900 composters will be delivered to users who will trained to compost at home. With this project it is also expected that citzens will develop a greater sensitivity to the theme of recycling, contributing to the separation of waste.

Water cycle
Water is also a very important resource for the territory of Loures, and that is why the Municipal Water Sustainability Plan “SEE H2O - A new vision at the use of water” is being developed. The plan is based on three pillars -"Awareness (that stands for Sensibilização, in portuguese), Efficieny (that stands for Eficiência) and Circular Economy (that stands for Economia Circular). The pillar of the Circular Economy seeks to close the water cycle, betting on the reuse of the resource rather than its use in its noblest state..