Seville, Spain
Seville is the capital of southern Spain’s Andalusia region. Seville is commited to work on the field of circular economy, this is why it is one of the founding signatories of the Circular Cities Declaration.
The City of Seville is currently focusing on construction and demolition waste and organic waste, as these are two of the waste streams with the most significant environmental impact in cities. To that end, Seville joined the CityLoops project as a demonstrator city. As part of it, it will develop a set of procedures and tools to integrate circularity into the planning and decision-making processes for these waste streams in cities, thus reducing the environmental footprint, increasing regenerative capacities and stimulating new business and job creation opportunities in European cities.
As a result of all the above, another project has been launched for the generation of biogas which, through the selective collection of bio-waste and sludge from water purification stations and their subsequent anaerobic codigestion and cleaning, will make it possible to generate the fuel necessary for the operation of the urban bus fleet currently running on compressed natural gas.

Sustainable growth
Another project to generate compost for agricultural areas by using sludge from water treatment plants has also been launched.
These three projects aim to promote the new development model represented by the circular economy, a formula in which the revaluation of waste, the preservation of resources and the trend towards zero waste opens the door to sustainable growth and competitiveness.