

ChemClimCircle seeks examples of integrating CCC criteria in public procurement

6 Nov 2023

ChemClimCircle seeks examples of integrating CCC criteria in public procurement

ChemClimCircle, funded by the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Programme, is a project supporting green procurement in municipalities by focusing on the integration of chemical, circularity AND climate (CCC) criteria in the public procurement. It is now looking for examples of procurement cases where municipalities are developing and setting criteria in the public procurements considering chemical, circular and climate aspects on a wide range of product and service groups.

The kind of procurements ChemClimCircle is looking for may be focused on:

  • Eliminating hazardous substances in the materials (especially in plastic) while enhancing circularity at the same time;
  • Enhancing circularity, for example, in washing and cleaning services) and taking care of washing and cleaning chemicals at the same time;
  • Enhancing climate objectives by energy-efficient products but also making sure that the products used do not contain hazardous chemicals.

If you have a procurement case that involves these three aspects, the project is interested in knowing more and working with you to prepare and to include it in its case collection. Information on each case can be sent to project specialist Nameda Belmane (Ecodesign Competence Centre), e-mail address: nameda.belmane@gmail.comDeadline: 15 December.

Circular approaches often overlook the chemical perspective. Less chemical toxicity in products will contribute much more to circularity and overarching climate objectives. The ChemClimCircle supports municipalities with the guidelines, training, piloting actions and good procurement case examples which use the ChemClimCircle approach.

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