

Digitalisation crucial for more sustainable waste management

20 Jan 2023

Digitalisation crucial for more sustainable waste management

An increased use of digital technologies is crucial to shifting European waste management towards more sustainable materials management. That is one of the main conclusions of the European Environment Agency, following a report by the European Topic Centre on Waste and Materials in a Green Economy.

Technologies already exist to improve recycling, facilitate the use of recycled products by producers, enable consumers to make better choices, and improve waste source options for recyclers. However, the use and application of these technologies is still not at a high level. While new business models are emerging, the digitalisation of the waste management and treatment sector is currently still in its innovation phase. 

EEA argues that the digital transformation of the waste management sector should be aligned with plans to make greater use of digital technologies in the development of a circular economy. According to the organisation this will enable Europe’s economy to recover more of the valuable materials present in waste streams, reduce the amounts of raw materials mined or imported and avoid the associated environmental and climate impact.

The full EEA assessment can be read here.


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