

Register to the virtual study tour of the PlastiCircle pilot in Alba Iulia

6 Oct 2020

Register to the virtual study tour of the PlastiCircle pilot in Alba Iulia

As part of the Circular Week 2020, PlastiCircle is organising a virtual study tour to the pilot in Alba Iulia (Romania). City authorities, waste managers, procurers, companies and other plastic stakeholders are invited to join this meeting taking place next October, 15 (10:00 - 11.00 CEST).

The PlastiCircle approach will be presented so that others can learn from the project experience, and think about replicating or adapting the solutions, technologies and processes developed and implemented with the goal of transforming plastic packaging waste into valuable products. From smart containers to increase collection rates of plastic waste, to cost-effective waste transport systems connected to IoT cloud platforms, these are some of the innovations being tested as part of PlastiCircle, an EU-funded project. Throughout the virtual study tours, speakers will also share their lessons-learnt.


10:00  Welcome 

10:05  Introduction to the PlastiCircle Project, by César Aliaga (ITENE)

10:15  PlastiCircle  in the first pilot city: Valencia, by Las Naves (tbc)

10:25  Video Alba Iulia

10:30  PlastiCircle in the last pilot city: Alba Iulia, by Valentin Voinica (Alba Iulia)

10:40  Q&A

10:55  Wrap-up & Closing


To register, visit here.

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