Join the CircularPSP Follower Network
20 Sep 2023
EU-funded Pre-Commercial Procurement project CircularPSP invites other cities, regions, government organisations, public procurers and projects to join its Follower Network. Followers will get insights into CircularPSP solutions, access to the testing of solutions during Phase III, insights into procurement clauses for AI, access to suppliers and financial support to visit pilot sites during the testing phase.
CircularPSP brings together public procurers from 8 leading Circular Economy (CE) cities, representing Germany, Finland, Turkey, Sweden, Ireland, Portugal, Slovenia and the United Kingdom, to invest €5.64 million in R&D to tackle the common challenge of accelerating the transition towards CE. The solution developed by suppliers should increase the volume of circular procurement and widen commercialisation opportunities for green digital companies.
Among the followers are ICLEI Europe, the City of Lahti, the City of Amsterdam, EnergyCities, the City of Torino and the City of Gothenburg. To become a follower fill in the form at the project website. Once completed, you will be signed up to the project newsletter and invited to Follower Events.
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